Thinking is the most important thing you can do. Stated simply, thinking forces you to pause. Think for 3 seconds. Ok - you weren't asked to change your breathing, but did you? You weren't asked to be still, but were you? If you read at the average speed for adults, you have been engaged in slow thinking for nearly 12 seconds. Yes - just reading this paragraph and having the quick debate in your head whether you would actually pause bought you 12 seconds. Neat.
Readers often send emails to seeking to better understand how emotions influence behavior. Emotions, thinking, and acting are all cousins in the interplay of your soul. Go ahead - enjoy the quick debates in your head as you consider these ideas.
A lot of time and money has been devoted to understanding, or merely affirming, that emotions influence our eye movement, body stance, breathing, and behavior. You can read more studies or think of your last disagreement with your partner. Our conduct definitely results from how we experience our own emotions. You know this already - it's why you debate whether you should apologize after the disagreement. See, you're thinking about the disagreement. 5 secs. Don't end your read by revisiting the disagreement. Ask yourself - what should I be thinking about? Wander a bit.
As leaders of organizations, households, community center etc., it is critical that you begin to stop your day and think. The digital connected, multitasking, quick decision making culture has trained many leaders to make minor and major decisions without really thinking. Oddly enough, thinking, really thinking, is not rewarded as readily as being "decisive".
Test the theory. The next time your asked to give a quick answer, ask if you can think about it and tell the person later in the day. You shocked and impatient expression returned to you will tell you everything you need to know. You have been reexamined merely for asking for a moment to consider all of the ramifications before you make a decision. Yes - slow down and think. You will be a better leader - it will just take some time for others to notice.
Be well.