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Writer's pictureDemetrius Johnson

What we just lived through...again.

Updated: Oct 11, 2018

From #BlackLivesMatters to #MeToo and #Kavanaugh, we are reliving our history. Our democracy has longed divided us into tribes, camps, parties, demographics - you name it. Slavery made no sense. Well, economic sense, but not moral sense. We never provided a rationale for women to be denied the right to vote. We just split into our camps of for and against. So, here we are again.

If you listen, #BlackLivesMatter is simple a way to expression the inequity of everyday life. When Black children were being killed in the inner cities, we coined a term called "drive by shootings". When White children are killed in Connecticut, we have a national day of mourning. To be clear, we should mourn the death of every child. The #BlackLivesMatter movement merely draws you attention to the difference.

#MeToo is amazing. The entire movement is rooted in the silence of hundreds of thousands of women who experienced sexual and domestic violence alone and in silence. While I understand the movement, I am still in absolute awe that I have lived in a completely different universe. Sexual violence has been like the moon - always present and mostly ignored. We have literally been just ignoring, approving, and accepting this reality.

It is unfortunate that the #Kavanaugh fight has left so many beaten. We all lost. We lost when Harry Reid destroyed the 60 senator rule. We lost when Donald #Trump decided to appeal to the worst of us. Sure, you won. That's fine. You get to select a conservative for the #SupremeCourt. Did you have to ignore half of the country and select THIS conservative.

That's the point. We have become so obsessed with winning, that we have forgotten that we are really all in one boat. Plugging a hole just on your end won't stop us from sinking. My shoes will just be wet first. #empathy #emotionalintelligence

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